..Ayo podo nulis,tuker-tuker informasi,merentang jarak menjalin kerabat...

Rabu, 07 November 2007


Yang pingin mencari database disertasi untuk perkuliahan tingkat lanjut,mungkin website ini banyak bisa membantu. Dengan konsep Sederhana serta penjelasan pemahaman isi yang tertata rapi,website ini emang layak jadi idola para Pencari ilmu tingkat lanjut.Dapat di baca secara online maupun downloadable.

Www.proquest.com, adalah salah satu pelopor sentra database disertasi ataupun ringkasan/sari ilmu pengetahuan serta riset tingkat dunia. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut ...buktikan aja sendiri.

Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses selalu buat semuanya.


ProQuest provides global access to one of the largest online content repositories in the world. With it, users will find answers to their questions in fields that range from genealogy to the latest scientific breakthrough to emerging business strategies.

We first used the ProQuest® brand name for our electronic databases on CD-ROM. In 1995, we launched our award-winning ProQuest Direct online information service—a name we later shortened to just "ProQuest".

Today students, faculty, researchers, and library patrons around the world use our subscription-based ProQuest service at a rate of more than 2.5 million page views per day. They do so at thousands of schools, colleges, and public libraries of all sizes in the U.S., Canada, and more than 100 other countries.

In addition, the ProQuest brand today encompasses more than 100 products and services for research and learning at all levels. Users get easy Web access to more than 4,000 newspapers and periodicals, over a million dissertations, and a wide range of other content. Many of the online products are unique and deliver more full text than any comparable resource.

Sumber: ProQuest

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